Friday, August 26, 2011

Farmer's Market Haul

I love the Farmer's really..I love it. It's the only place where I dont know what half of the food is! LOL Seriously..there are only 2 or 3 american aisles, which is great!! !I love learning and experimenting with new foods and flavors. Now dont get it twisted, the fm is not cheap. I used to be under that impression for some reason. But it is a great place to find unique, culture specific foods that you cant find anywhere else. Here are a few pics and then I'll post what I actually bought. FYI..I tried to stay all organic in my purchases..we can talk about why later.

I dont know what this is, but I love the texture. I saw one cut open and it had some type of small seeds in it.

Curry powder, sak pase?!!! Had to get my curry on! I'll make some curry chicken this weekend.

Green bannanas.

Hawaian bannanas

Organic Mangoes

Organic red onions
 Natural/Raw Almonds

It's MY time!

Woo I'm blogging! LOL I've been wanting to do this for some time now, but I am finally in a place where I can and I am so happy to be doing it! This blog will be focused on my adventures in healthy cooking. will be a TRIP trust me!

A little background on me....I am a 36..yeah I SAID IT! LOL 36 year old beautiful black woman who loves herself some food! I have come to realize that my relationship with food has been transformed from something meant to nourish and keep me living, to a comforter, friend, activity, medication, etc etc etc. Food in my hands has not served it's correct purpose. I am currently considered obese, and although I didnt have any issues last time I went to the doctor...I WANT TO CHANGE. I NEED TO CHANGE. It's time to be a healthier me.

How I grew up....

I grew up in a very loving two parent home with a white picket fence, a dog and a barbie dream house......... LMBO if you believe that, then I can sell you ice water in the winter. LOL No no, some of it is true, I had two very loving parents..shout out to Mel and Neicy...minus the dog, fence and all was a busy household. With 4 kids and a mortgage, car payments etc..they didnt have much time to concentrate on nutrition. Not to say we ate cookies every night, because that is untrue.

But I think with both of them working and not getting home to 5pm, me and my brothers and sister were left to our own devices...think 3 egg omelets, homefries, homemade waffles..yeah we were off the chain! LOL There were also alot of processed foods, sweets, etc.  I think I learned then to misuse food. In between all of that, my parents were actually great cooks. My dad a "master home chef" and my mom not far behind. We ate together every Sunday and we definitely had many home cooked meals. Those meals include the typical starch, vegetable and meat. We werent those two meat or rice AND mashed potato families. We also were not the "everyone eats something different. Ya'll know what I mean. Whatever they cooked....we ate or we starved! LOL Since I grew up in NY I was exposed to many different cultures in terms of cooking. My parents cooked Spanish, lots of italian..of course Soul food.

In my own adulthood, I've had periods of time when I cooked healthy, but I've never dedicated myself to making a lifestyle..lifelong change until now. I want to LIVE. I dont want to be sick from the multitude of diseases that rage in my community. Hypertension, diabetes, heart disease to name a few. That's not how I want to go out. So it's a simple concept. If I love the body God gave me, I will respect it. I will feed it healthy foods and work it out at least 3 to 4 times a week. I will deal with my addictions.

It's my time, and I truly believe that with GOD EVERYTHING, ALL THINGS, ARE POSSIBLE!